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Our Cutting-Edge Mosquito Control Technology

Our Mosquito Management Technology

With aerial applications, you can often reach areas that are otherwise very difficult or too large to treat. Therefore, having the ability to utilize aircraft can be an effective complement to your ground-based activities. In many cases using aerial applications as a tool can even save you money. Aerial applications may be the only way to break the mosquito breeding cycle in emergency situations or when mosquito populations are abnormally high.


Did You Know That:

  • Droplet size has to be exact or the product will not have an impact to the mosquitoes?
  • Weather conditions affect the shape and direction of the spray cloud?
  • Most adult mosquito control applications are the most effective when performed at night at 300ft altitude?
  • A spray block will often have no-spray zones in or around it?

VDCI’s Technology Capabilities Solve All Of These Issues

All of our aircraft are equipped with the Wingman® GX, spray optimization and guidance software, and the AIMMS-20 onboard meteorological probe, the most advanced system designed specifically for mosquito control. This integrated system is the only scientifically validated system available that incorporate constant real-time meteorological data at the release height to optimize the entire application. This optimization ensures that the maximum spray cloud droplet density is delivered to the target areas, thus providing you the maximum level of mosquito control.

Aerial Spraying Malcom 9

Our flight crews are trained and equipped with military grade ANVIS -6 night vision goggles on all night time spray missions. At the completion of each spray mission, data is down-loaded from the aircraft and reports are generated providing our customers with a graphical depiction of the spray mission, along with the vital statistics of each spray.

Why Use VDCI?

  • First of all, you will be free of the prohibitive costs and risks that make maintaining your own aerial program impossible or difficult to manage and afford.
  • As mosquito control experts ourselves, it means you will be dealing with an aerial applicator who truly understands your mosquito control needs.
  • We own our own larviciding and adulticiding aircraft. Because we don’t have to rely on third party subcontractors, you can rest assured that we will be there when you need us.

Complete mosquito control, accountability, and security that you can only get from a support team as well-equipped, experienced and committed as Vector Disease Control International.

You will have the resources, personnel, and expertise you need to maintain control of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases, both routinely and in the face of any circumstance that may arise.