Drones and Advanced Technology
Mosquitoes have existed for millions of years and they continue to thrive today. In fact, their populations are expanding in the face of a warming planet, increased hurricanes and natural disasters, as well as emerging insecticide resistance due to irresponsible pesticide use by unlicensed groups and the agricultural industry.
In order to keep up with the growing threat of mosquitoes—and the subsequent spread of vector-borne diseases—technology must advance at unprecedented rates. VDCI remains at the forefront of technological progress, driving the industry forward through scientific research, data collection, and strategic partnerships with industry-leading organizations and public health groups.
In recent years, VDCI has relied on two primary methods to apply larvicides. Dual-engine aircraft are capable of treating thousands of acres of land, while ground crews use ULV sprayers via trucks and backpack foggers. Now, VDCI is using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to fill a need that is unmet by traditional aircraft or by foot.
In contrast to hobbyist drones, our unmanned aerial systems (UAS) have a 6ft wingspan and are custom-built by leading manufacturers for commercial applications.

Dangerous or hard-to-reach areas have historically posed challenges for applicators. Drones help them apply insecticides in precarious environments or those that are home to alligators, snakes, and other threatening species. State-of-the-art drone equipment is also very precise, making it easier to avoid applying near ecologically sensitive or protected habitats.
Each drone pilot is licensed through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and has extensive knowledge of airspace regulations, maintenance procedures, and emergency response.
State-of-the-art HD cameras and GPS technology make all of this possible. Experts are able to maneuver a target area and preprogram a carefully mapped application route – treating up to 200 acres a day.
Stakeholder Benefits
Industrial Facilities
Navigating industrial facilities can be challenging, but drones allow applicators to view work zones in real time and conduct treatments without interfering with the operations. Safety features ensure drone equipment does not accidentally discharge near employees.
Communities & HOAs
Drones are quiet, unobtrusive, and configured with software to block filming near residences for extra peace of mind. They allow experts to conduct applications in target areas while avoiding homes, playgrounds, BBQ areas.
Golf Courses
Precise drone applications ensure product is only applied to problem areas. Drones help prevent dispersion to unintended spaces where players or employees congregate.
Developers & Construction
Applicators predetermine areas of need at a project site such as stormwater ponds, culverts, and scrap areas while avoiding work crews. If inclement weather occurs, autonomous safety features direct the drones to return to our pilots.
Drones are changing the way VDCI approaches mosquito management, but new innovations are always on the horizon that unlicensed groups simply don’t have the expertise or authorization to use. As mosquito populations continue to soar year after year, it’s clear that we must lean on research-backed, technology driven management programs to successfully protect our communities.
Contact the Experts at VDCI
We are committed to protecting public health through excellence in vector control. Learn how our team can support an existing program or help you develop a custom program to meet your community’s needs.